Could you tell me the number for ? ">sweetheart win ventolin 100 micrograms/dose inhaler fascinated overjoyed Those favoring the strikes must also explain why there aren't larger risks with the U.S. going to war in yet another Middle Eastern country. Sure our bombs would be serving a higher purpose, but who believes that that's the perception that would come across to people in the region? Would they be more likely to see U.S. strikes as noble efforts to save them, or would our actions be seen through the prism of an unconstrained superpower bombing yet another Muslim country? Sure they'd be "limited" strikes, but to what extent is that a distinction that matters more in the U.S. media than to the rest of the world? If you're lobbing cruise missiles into someone's country, how much do they care that you're doing it in a limited fashion? Haven't the last dozen years taught us that people don't greet you as liberators when you're invading or bombing their country?